Note: this was
a 7 year old half andalusian stallion that never been handled, except
for heartless trailer loading, cogins test, and a drag line and halter
cutting into his nose at the "horse trader's"
on.....) To Sir, With Love, Gabriel’s friend, Joanne J. Wachtveitl, Ocala, Fl Followup: Sept 22, the day Gabriel went home, (as a gelding:) Home safe and
sound. Hi - Just wanted
to let you know that the Warmblood inspection went great!!! Prissy (the
pony yearling that Joe trained this past summer) got her blue ribbon 1st
Premium status!!!! She made me so proud - she was the best acting young
horse there. All the others there were dragging their owners all over
the arena and when they turned them loose for the liberty trot and canter
they could not catch them. "Hi Andrea,
I can't thank you & Joe enough for welcoming us into your beautiful
home. I had a wonderful time and learned so much! I am hoping to be
to it again. "I
have a six year old Arabian mare who was pretty difficult to control
Lady stays at Joe
and Andrea's farm for a week or so at a time. I go Thanks to Joe and
to the training strategies he has been teaching me, I am a very active
part of Lady's training, and my relationship with her has changed tremendously.
She has developed a love for me and is beginning to trust and respect
me as her leader. Many of the above listed problems are completely eliminated
and others are quickly fading away. Soon they will be nothing more than
a dim memory thanks to Joe and Andrea. Lady is watching for and following
my signals as we play the seven games, and is even jumping barrels for
me from the ground now. The best news of all for Lady and I is that she
is beginning to want me to ride her. We haven't left the round pen yet,
but I believe we soon will. Thank you, Joe. My dream of having a loving,
respectful relationship with my horse is much closer than I would ever
have believed possible in such a short time." Note from Andrea: Pam recently participated in the 3 day Gena Warrington Level One A/Advanced Level One clinic. It brought tears to my eyes to watch Pam and her horse enjoy each other in a group clinic environment . I could not believe they were riding, in a group, at the trot, without a bit/bridle. WAY TO GO PAM AND LADY !!! "Fantastic
Joe! "Thank you
for such a wonderful time. We learned so much, there are not words to
describe it. We just loved both horses, and the wonderful connection they
each had with people and Joe in particular. "You got us
excited about working with our horses, and seeing how much we could accomplish.
You are excellent role models and set high goals for us to try to accomplish.
It was a relaxing and stimulating weekend. You were both so hospitable
and made us feel really welcome...I am glad we are 'family'." "I spent two
and a half lovely days at WBQ with my 3-year old premarin Appaloosa gelding.
The first thing we noticed upon arrival was the wonderful "horse
play pen" with the colorful jumps, bridges, boxes, and general array
of mental stimuli. It's a terrific, safe place for a youngster to experience.
Our time spent with Joe should, with practice, enable us to become better
partners and enjoy ourselves even more than we already do. Joe did a lot
of observing and provided a little gentle guidance here and there in order
to help me figure out for myself where we needed to improve. We spent
some focused time in the round pen and both of my horse and I trotted
away 'licking and chewing.'We both plan on visiting again (soon!) " "Joe Schomburg
worked with my Arabian the day I bought him! My Arabian was 6 years old
and had never had saddle, bridle or rider experience. I watched as Joe
and my horse safely created an unspoken partnership in the roundpen. Within
moments my horse trusted Joe and allowed a saddle to be placed on his
back shortly after! Joe was kind and persistent without force. With the
techniques Joe uses, there is trust, partnership and progress! I took
my horse home and continue to study the Parelli Partnership Program and
happily make progress with my new horse. Joe taught me how to interact
with a perfectly green horse in a safe and sensible manner. My horse and
I learned things from Joe in 2 hours that are priceless. Slow and steady.
Working with Joe, you and your horse will not be disappointed." "After aquiring
my 2 1/2yo Appaloosa stallion I began looking for a trainer. After contacting
several trainers I found Joe. At the time I knew nothing of natural horse-man-ship.
On my first visit I watched Joe play with a warmblood stallion, I was
very interested in what I saw and what he said. On my next visit I brought
my Appaloosa mare for a lesson with Joe - needless to say I was hooked.
I not only sent my stallion to him for training but I have been making
the 95 mile round trip drive every week for lessons ever since - I even
had the opportunity to spend my vacation there as a 'working student'!!" The mother of one of our clients wrote in after seeing the photos of her daughter (Lisa) riding her stallion for the first time: "Is that the
same nasty horse that was trying to eat the handle of my cart? He looks
so focused and well-trained now. And you look as though it is nothing
special...meaning no one would ever know, by looking at the pictures,
that this was your inaugural ride on a young stallion! Well done, I am
proud of you and very VERY grateful to Joe." "Just wanted
to tell you again how much we appreciated all the training that you did
on our horses...Especially Magic! "Joe's insight
is remarkable. After watching me struggle to load a difficult horse, he
made a single suggestion about how I could change the way I was asking
her to get into the trailer. The response was immediate -- she loaded
and unloaded several times without further trouble. The same insight carried
over into asking her to do other things. Success with horses is all about
communication: Joe is fluent in horse-speak. Even better, Joe has a rare
talent for helping others understand and communicate with horses." "I had a problem
with my 8 year old morgan gelding Mr T in working with the carrot stick!!!
He would charge and challenge me whenever I tried to direct him with it!!!
Not realizing I could have reprimanded him with IT, I couldn't seem to
get past that place in the Parelli game, I took him to Joe's one Sunday
where he promptly showed me that I had to get the horses respect for me.!!!
He worked with Mr. T for about 10 minutes and voila!!! He now understands
what the carrot stick means and how the respect for humans works with
the program!!!! I appreciated Joe's effort that day!!! Thanks again Joe."
"Every Sunday
play day one guest horse would call to the other horses or even try to
drag the owner over to these horse. It was quite amusing to the other
guests to watch this horse dragging its owner around (or trying to rear
and hop around when it was ridden). Finally one Sunday the owner asked
Joe for help. Within minutes of working with that mare, she began to ignore
the other horses even though Joe asked them to come closer and move around
to try and distract the mare. She was totally focused on Joe, and when
he handed her back to the owner, it was a different horse. She continued
to behave, and the owner had a good time." "I sent a
biting stallion and a kicking mare to Joe for training. I sent a gelding
who did not want his legs touched, nor would he stand for the hose. I
sent another horse who did not know how to stand for a bath (or stand
for anything for that matter). The horses came back without these issues
after 2-3 weeks each!" "Andrea and
Joe provided priceless help with my first horse--a four year old TB right
off the track. They exhibited patience, knowledge, and a good sense of
humor. I wish they hadn't moved to Florida!" "Thank you
for the wonderful lesson last week. I drove 1000 miles (from Washburn
to Wellborn) for my lesson! Throughout the years, I've spent working with
you and horses, I've learned more valuable information about progressive
learning and training than from any other trainer I have dealt with. Many
people do not understand the psychology of a horse and human relationship.
Thank you for all the valuable information you have given to me." |